Federal requirements for grant funded contracts include submitting annual federal certifications
and assurances to CDOT. The Transportation Director on an annual basis completes and submits
the required certifications requested by CDOT. These include a school bus certification, charter
bus certification, and a 5311 labor certification.
Section 5311 Labor Certification: The TOSV and Village Shuttle are required annually to certify
and report to CDOT and the FTA union status of employees of any transit provider in the TOSV
service area. This report identifies all labor organizations representing TOSV Village Shuttle
employees as well as labor organizations representing transit employees of any transit provider
operating within the TOSV service area.
If and when the TOSV uses non-federal funds for lobbing purposes, Village Shuttle is required to
submit a disclosure form to CDOT and FTA, the LLL form, when funds are used in excess of
$100,000. Federal grant funds are in no way allowed for the use of lobbying activities.