NON-PUBLIC RECORDS: Correspondence without a demonstrable connection to the exercise of functions required or authorized by law or RTA policy, that does not have a
significant impact on the functions of RTA, and that does not involve spending or receiving public funds is not public record. Non-public records include, but are not limited to the
1. E-mail messages, personal memos, return phone call messages, scheduling invitations on an Outlook calendar, automated responses, and other communications, for which the preservation is not necessary for a public purpose.
2. Correspondence between elected officials and constituents if the correspondence clearly implies by its nature and content that the constituent expects the communication to be kept confidential.
3. Correspondence relating to matters that are subject to confidentiality or nondisclosure by statute.
4. Work Product which shall be defined as:
a) E-mail and other intra/inter-RTA advisory or deliberative materials assembled for the benefit of elected officials that express an opinion or are deliberative in nature and are communicated for the purpose of assisting such
elected officials in reaching a decision within the scope of their authority. Such non-public advisory materials shall include, but are not limited to: Staff reports, background materials, working drafts of resolutions, working drafts of policies, notes and memoranda that relate to or serve as background information for such decisions, and other preliminary drafts and discussion
copies of documentation that express a decision by an elected official.
b) Work Product shall not include:
1) Any final version of a document that expresses a final decision by an elected official;
2) Any final version of a fiscal or performance audit report or similar document. The purpose of which is used to investigate, track, or account for the operation or management of a public entity or the expenditure of public money, together with the final version of any supporting material attached to such final report or document;
3) Any final accounting or final financial record or report; any
materials that would otherwise constitute work product as defined above if such materials are produced and distributed in a public meeting or cited and identified in the text of the final version of a document that expresses a decision by an elected official.
4) Such material shall be deemed a public record as defined in this “Exhibit A.”