Subgrantee Resources

Subgrantee Reporting

YFTG Monthly Assurances

Within 15 days of each month of the youth fare-free program, Subgrantees will submit the Subgrantee Monthly Assurance Form. This form, at a minimum, will require Subgrantees to:

  • Provide assurance to CASTA that they provided free rides to youth in the reporting month.
  • An opportunity for agencies to share stories of rider experiences related to the new or expanded free transit provided by the agency.

Submit a New YFTG Monthly Assurance

YFTG Annual Report

Subgrantees must must report to CASTA by November 1, 2024 and by November 1 of each year thereafter. Report must include:

  • estimates of change in youth ridership during the year in which fare free services were offered to youth riders compared to previous years; 
  • any changes that the eligible transit agency would make in how it provides fare free transit services to youth riders or in its use of the grant money based on its experiences,
  • how the eligible transit agency marketed the fare free transit services for youth riders.
  • Report will include additional information, including a narrative analysis to provide context on ridership data included in the report.

Submit a New YFTG Annual Report

YFTG Mid-year Grant Assessment

CASTA has created a process to reassess and increase subgrantee grant amounts mid-year, taking into account their actual ridership increase. The Mid-year Grant Assessment form may be completed any time between 6-8 months after the beginning of the program period. 

There is a chance that the new Grant Amount could be less than the initial Grant Amount. Any agency that completes this form does not have to accept the new grant amount and may continue with the initial, awarded Grant Amount. If the subgrantee would like to accept the new amount, the submission of this form will be added as an addendum to the Subgrantees Award Letter.

Submit a Mid-year Grant Assessment


YFTG Application Webinar

September 10, 2024

11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

YFTG Subgrantee Reporting Webinar

October 24, 2024

10:00 AM – 11:00 AM