The primary goal of CASTA’s Professional Transit Driver Certification (PTDC) program is to provide transit drivers additional training to build their skills. We also believe that this program provides drivers opportunities to network with other transit professionals, build their skills so that they become better trainers for new drivers and to develop the skills they need for career advancement.
The PTDC program is overseen by an advisory board that is appointed by the CASTA Board of Directors with input from CASTA staff.
Program Admittance Requirements
Candidates must:
- Have driven transit for at least 2100 hours. (This total may be added up over a few years in the case of a seasonal employees)
- Had no preventable accidents* in the past 1300 driving hours
- Have an acceptable attendance record*
- Fill out the written application which includes
- A statement of why the driver wants to be part of the program
- A copy of the applicant’s current CDL/license
- A copy of the applicant’s current DOT medical card
- Have supervisor approval
- May be required to attach the agency driver training program
- Have completed the basic transit driver training requirements
- Initial Interview with the Committee
Initial Program Requirements
Once admitted into the program candidates will:
- Complete 4 credits of qualified training electives approved by candidate’s supervisor (each credit is approximately one hour of instruction or one training topic)
- Have no preventable accidents* while in the program
- Maintain an acceptable attendance record* while in the program
- Attend one in person training during initial program
There is no time limit set for this phase of the program.
Certification Process
Upon completion of the Program Admittance Requirements, candidates will receive an Admittance Letter detailing next steps. Next steps include
- With the help of the participant’s supervisor, make a list of the trainings the participant would like to take to reach the 4 credit requirement of the PTDC. A list of eligible trainings can be found below.
- Participants will submit their list of desired eligible trainings to [email protected]. This will allow CASTA to help the Candidate acquire the desired training.
- When participants complete eligible training, they will submit documentation using the PTDC Training Credit Submission Form where they be will asked for the elective courses the person took and require sign off by the supervisor to ensure that the driver had no preventable accidents and acceptable attendance during the initial program period.
- Once the form has been submitted and accepted the Candidate will be invited to have a brief interview with at least one advisory board member. This may be done in person but more likely will be done over Skype or Facetime
- After the interview, the advisory board will put the candidate on the list for certification to be approved by the advisory committee at their next meeting.
Maintaining Certification
To maintain certification each year drivers must:
- Take one additional elective course
- Keep current in the base transit driver training requirements
- Have no preventable accidents*
- Maintain an acceptable attendance record*
Acknowledgement of Certification
In appreciation of the work the transit drivers have done to become certified CASTA will give each new certified driver a CASTA Professional Transit Driver Certificate and a pin that can be worn on their uniform. CASTA will also recognize drivers who have maintained their certification for 5 and 10 years with recognition bars that can be added to their original pin.
*These are defined by and up to the discretion of the the transit agency employing the candidate
Basic Transit Driver Training Requirements
- Defensive Driving
- PASS-Passenger Assistance Security and Safety
- 1st Aid/CPR’
- Harassment/Diversity
- Bloodborne Pathogen training
- Safety
- Customer Service
- Drug and Alcohol
- Emergency/Evacuation Procedures
- Workplace Violence
2019 Qualified Training Electives
- ECO Driver (UVM fuel saving)
- Supervisor Skills TSI, CTAA or CASTA
- Proud to be Idle Free (UVM)
- Train the Trainer course
- Human Trafficking
- Other TSI courses
- Other CTAA courses
- Fire Extinguisher Training
- Dealing with Difficult Passengers
- Communication
This is not an all exhaustive list. This is simply a list of some of the training options the committee has found beneficial for their drivers. If there is some other training that the agency feels would be helpful and is not on the list, submit it to the committee along with a short justification and the committee will review.
Please send the form attached below and any applicable documents to Joseph Parks. Candidates must meet all of the eligibility requirements and have the agency’s recommendation for enrolling in the Professional Transit Driver Certification Program.
2019 CASTA Professional Transit Driver Certification Program Enrollment Form
If you have questions or would like to discuss the implementation of this program at your agency, please contact Joseph Parks at Joseph Parks or by calling the CASTA Office at 303-839-5197.