The TOSV follows the Colorado State Archives municipal records management requirements and
conducts an annual review of the policy and the requirements for each department. All contracts,
agreements, Council resolutions, and ordinances are permanently stored in a Laserfische system.
Financial records are maintained in accordance to the state guidelines and auditor’s

FTA and State grant funding related documents are kept in accordance with federal and state
guidelines, currently set for three years after a grant contract project has been completed or
terminated. All documents that are no longer required to be retained are destroyed.

  • Grant related records for retention include:
  • Original grant request.
  • Grant contract (and master agreement, if applicable).
  • Reimbursement requests and supporting documentation.
  • A checklist of compliance activities required by the contract and master agreement,
    identifying how each requirement is met.
  • Documentation of any compliance activities specific to the grant that are not covered
    through routine processes and record keeping.