Village Shuttle is dedicated to providing safe and dependable transportation services to our
transit system passengers. Village Shuttle drivers are our most valuable resource; and it is our
goal to provide a safe, satisfying working environment, which promotes personal opportunities
for growth. In meeting this goal it is our policy to:

  1. Assure that employees are not impaired in their ability to perform assigned duties in a
    safe, productive and healthy manner;
  2. Create a workplace environment free from the adverse effects of drug abuse and alcohol
  3.  Prohibit the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of
    controlled substances; and
  4. Encourage employees to seek professional assistance any time personal problems,
    including alcohol or drug dependency, adversely affect their ability to perform their
    assigned duties.

The TOSV Village Shuttle substance abuse policy has been in place since January 1, 1995. In light
of the numerous updates to the Federal standards, a revised policy and procedures was approved
and adopted by the TOSV Town Council and became effective on January 18, 2011. A copy of the
signed adoption by the Town Council is available upon request.

Updates to the policy and associated procedures are made as requested and required, usually
after audits occur (as was the case in 2014). Anytime this policy and associated procedures are
amended or updated due to changes in Federal regulations, the policy will contain the date, proof
of adoption of the amended policy by the Town Council, and the date the amended policy, or
portion thereof, became effective.

Village Shuttle’s current policy and Drug and Alcohol operating procedures to include a list of
eligible positions, the process used for notification of random and reasonable suspicion testing,
and protocols for pre-employment and post accident testing, are attached to this document as
Appendix E.