This policy applies to all Village Shuttle employees, services, facilities and vehicles. It applies
equally to all persons needing and/or using the services provided by the system.
To comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and all the enabling regulations, Village
Shuttle shall:
- Provide paratransit services as a complement to fixed route transit service and follow all
requirements for ADA complementary paratransit service as identified in the TOSV –
Village Shuttle ADA Policies and Procedures and Complementary Paratransit Service Plan
(Appendix A). - Provide transit services accessible to persons with disabilities through operating only vehicles that are mobility aid and wheelchair accessible.
- Frequently monitor proper working order of wheelchair lifts, ramps, and other accessible features on vehicles through routine inspection and maintenance.
- Make every effort to repair failed wheelchair lifts/ramps before the next day of service. If the lift cannot be repaired before the next day of service, the vehicle will be placed back in operation only if a spare is unavailable. Vehicles with inoperable lifts can be kept in service for no more than five (5) days.
- Have drivers immediately report all in-service wheelchair lift and ramp failures.
- Train staff in how to: assist passengers with disabilities; to be sensitive to, and aware of,the needs of people with disabilities; and how to use the accessible features on the vehicles to support individuals with disabilities.
- Implement operating procedures which reflect protocols for supporting individuals with disabilities, including:
- Allowing adequate time to board and alight vehicles;
- Proper securement procedures for wheelchairs and providing service even if a wheelchair or mobility aid device cannot be secured;
- Deploying lifts for standees;
- Deploying lifts and ramps at all designated stops if a passenger requires this assistance;
- Providing assistance to passengers as necessary upon request with lifts, ramps and accessibility equipment;
- Providing priority seating for individuals with disabilities and asking ambulatory passengers to move in order to allow an individual with a disability to occupy ADA specified priority seating as needed;
- Driver announcement of all major stops and transfer points as well as upon request on fixed route service;
- Allowing and properly storing/securing portable oxygen cylinders and respirators on-board transit vehicles; and
- Allowing service animals on-board transit vehicles.
- Provide fixed route and paratransit service customer information to include system brochures, riders’ guides, and application forms, as well as all information about service changes, in alternate, accessible formats.
- Develop ADA specific complaint recording, investigation, tracking and resolution procedures.
- Maintain accessible facilities to include bus shelters and park and ride areas.
- Clearly explain and publicize fixed route complementary paratransit service requirements to the public.
Village Shuttle will respond expeditiously to all ADA specific service complaints. The Village
Shuttle staff is trained to recognize an ADA complaint and these are tracked and investigated per
our requirements detailed in our ADA Policies and Procedures and Complementary Paratransit
Service Plan (Appendix A). TOSV also maintains full records on all aspects of the provision of
paratransit services and the applications and eligibility determinations of individuals requesting
paratransit services.