Passengers who have seizures may need immediate and careful attention. Individuals affected by epileptic seizures will not endanger other passengers but may do harm to themselves. Some types of seizures cause a person to lapse into unconsciousness. They may be identified in the following ways but be sure to look for a bracelet or ID card.
- Tonic colonic seizures (Grand-Mal) may show any of the following symptoms:
- sudden cry
- fall to floor followed by muscle jerks
- saliva on lips
- shallow breathing or temporarily suspended breathing
- skin may appear bluish in color
- possible loss of bladder or bowel control
- seizure may last from two to five minutes duration; normal breathing usually starts
- may be confused or fatigued after return to full consciousness
- Non-convulsive seizures (Petit-Mal)
- blank stare
- eyes roll upward
- person does not respond when spoken to
- Complex-partial (temporal lobe) seizures
- usually starts with a blank stare followed by chilling
- followed by random activity (may pick at clothing, may pick up objects, may try to take clothing off, etc.)
- may appear dazed or mumble
- may run or appear afraid
- may struggle or flail with restraint
- has no memory of what has happened.
- If a passenger experiences a seizure on board a vehicle, follow these procedures:
- stop your vehicle
- Immediately call “911”.
- Ask other passengers to move away from the area, allowing the affected passenger plenty of room. Stay calm. You cannot stop a seizure once it has started. Let the seizure run its course. Do not try to revive the person.
- Ease the person to the floor and loosen clothing.
- Try to prevent the passenger from injuring himseIf.
- If possible, turn the person’s face to the side so that saliva can flow out of thier mouth.
- Do not force anything between the person’s teeth.
- Do not be frightened if the person having a seizure seems to stop breathing momentarily.
- Reassure the other passengers that they will not be harmed.
- Remember that help will arrive shortly
- Call the dispatcher or supervisor as soon as possible.