DEFINITION:         (1) Any time any part of your vehicle comes in contact with anything other than the tires touching the pavement. (2) Anytime a person is injured as a direct result of contact with our service.


You must always immediately report to dispatch or a supervisor any contact or potential injury while providing our services. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action.


Follow the procedures below if


  • Our vehicle is involved in a collision with another vehicle, fixed object, or pedestrian; or
  • if a passenger is injured by falling, being caught in the door, or otherwise:
  1. Do not drift or continue to move your vehicle after an accident. Stop as soon as possible. Secure the vehicle in a safe manner. KEEP COOL. Calmness on your part will discourage excitement among the passengers.
  2. Check the degree of injuries to passengers and occupants of any other vehicle and notify dispatch or the supervisor as soon as possible.
  3. Aid the injured if possible.
    1. In case of an accident or incident involving personal injury of a passenger on our vehicle, a pedestrian, or a passenger in another vehicle, your first duty is the safety of your passengers. Do not attempt to move a seriously injured person. This is often dangerous and likely to increase the injury. Make the injured person as comfortable as possible, then call “911” without delay and indicate that an ambulance and police are necessary. Then call dispatch or your supervisor as soon as possible.
    2. If a medical professional is at the scene, you must allow him/her to administer first aid to the injured person or persons.
    3. In the event the injured person is taken to a hospital, doctor’s office, or to his home by a motorist, document the motorist’s name, address, phone and vehicle license number.
    4. An individual who claims no injury, and refuses medical treatment must sign the release from medical responsibility form in the accident kit.
  4. Witnesses should be secured as quickly as possible after the occurrence of an accident or incident.
    1. Obtain the license numbers of any other vehicles involved, including those who may have witnessed the accident and exchange information required by law. Get the name and address of every occupant of the vehicle, indicating which is the driver. Copy the name and address of the registered owner from the registration slip and document the license number, state and year issued. Get their insurance information.
    2. Pass out the Courtesy Cards among passengers and also to people on the street. You cannot obtain too many witness statements. Obtain the names of all witnesses regardless of their attitude. Pass out a Courtesy (witness) Card to each person and say, “May I have your name and address for my report?”
    3. Indicate on each Courtesy Card whether the witness was a passenger on the bus involved in the accident, the other vehicle involved, a passenger or driver of some other vehicle, or was on the street or in the vicinity of the accident.
  5. Obtain the names of all passengers and any other people who may have seen the accident. Gather all information necessary for a detailed report.
  6. Cooperate with police if they have been called or arrive on the scene, and do not leave until released. When police officers are present at the scene of an accident, obtain their badge numbers for follow-up and/or insurance information.
  7. Do not make any statements to anyone (except police, SUCAP administration or personnel assigned to investigate the accident) describing the accident, how it occurred, or your opinion of fault. If other persons ask for information, simply state that you will make a complete report and forward to the agency administration.
  8. In any accidents, vehicles must not be moved until the police or authorized SUCAP personnel have arrived. When cleared to leave, notify the dispatcher or supervisor and await instructions.
  10. If a student operator was driving the vehicle, both the student and the instructor must make out separate reports.
  11. The Accident Report is an official SUCAP document (see section VIII). It must be completed accurately by the operator involved in the accident. Your signature confirms your agreement with the entire contents. Failure to disclose all information is a major infraction and may result in termination.
  12. In addition to the Accident Report, an Incident Report must be completed by the driver describing what happened, in detail. This is the driver’s account of the story and will be used in determining preventability and cause of the accident.
  13. After having an accident, do not become involved in any argument as to the responsibility for the accident. Guard against remarks and tone of voice that could cause any hard feelings with the other party involved.
  14. In case of collision with a motorist who is obviously intoxicated, try to detain the driver until police arrive if the driver is not injured; however, no forcible action should be taken. Do not make any remarks as to the person’s condition except to a police officer.
  15. People are considered to have been injured when they fall, when they have any appearance of having received an injury, or when they complain to you of being injured.
  16. Do not discuss the mechanical condition of equipment or street conditions with ANY person other than one you know to be an authorized representative of SUCAP.
  17. Refer any and all claims to the SUCAP office. Do not assume any obligations nor attempt to settle any claim.
  18. If requested, give only your name, and vehicle number and Transit Director’s business card to other party.
  19. If called or subpoenaed by the police department or any other public authority to make statements or make identification in any case in which SUCAP is directly or indirectly involved, notify your supervisor as quickly as possible.
  20. When completing your accident report, be sure to have all of your courtesy cards and all accident information with you. Do not reveal the name of any witness or give ANY information in regard to the accident to ANY person other than a proper official of SUCAP and the Police. Do not call on the injured person without the consent of SUCAP. Refer anyone requesting information regarding any accident to SUCAP.
  21. Full and complete information must be given in all reports. What may seem trivial or immaterial to you at the time may become the deciding factor in the event of a lawsuit. Do not wait for SUCAP to learn of an accident or learn that you have information regarding an accident. Report it yourself at once.