GVRTA was formed in 2002 via a sales tax initiative to fund transportation and is supported by the City of Gunnison, Gunnison County and the Towns of Crested Butte and Mt. Crested Butte.
The goal of GVRTA is to provide a viable air service program to the Gunnison airport and to fund ground transportation in the Gunnison Valley.
GVRTA has no employees, but indirectly employs five (5) full time and twenty (20) part time positions.
For ground transportation, Alpine Express (AEX, Inc.) is the current service provider under contract through November 2025. All ground transportation service is within Gunnison County.
The sales tax to support GVRTA was reauthorized by the voters in 2008 with over 79% voting in favor of continuing the sales tax. The sales tax was also increased by the voters in 2015 and has no sunset.