Policy Procedure
Management at Steamboat Springs Transit strongly feels that all employees should have the opportunity to discuss any concerns. The channels of communication are to be kept open and flexible.
  1. If an employee is concerned about his/her wages, personal problems or working conditions, Supervisors must know about the situation. Address any concerns to your Supervisors, Operations Manager, Transit Manager, or Human Resources. Communicate your problem to the proper person. Discuss any problems as soon as they arise.
  2.  If you have a problem first try to discuss it with the person involved. If this fails, a Supervisor will arbitrate and assist in finding a resolution. If you find it difficult to discuss a problem with your Supervisor, feel free to discuss it with the Transit
    Manager, Operations Supervisor, or Public Works Director. Any concerns whereby an employee feels they are being harassed will be immediately forwarded to the Human Resources department.
City Policy Date: 11/12/2014