How would you like to be Oklahoma’s voice for public transportation and lead the charge to propel the state into a part of the top ten in the nation? The Oklahoma Transit Association (OTA) is looking to identify candidates for the career-defining position of Executive Director.
Executive Director Position
The Executive Director (ED) is responsible for administering, managing, and executing the affairs of the OTA for the overall benefit of the Oklahoma Transit Association (OTA), its membership, and its constituency. Guided by the President, the Executive Committee, and the Board of Directors, the ED’s primary focus will be ensuring that the daily activities of OTA are in compliance and support of the most recently adopted strategic plan. The ED will be responsible for developing an annual work plan with specific targets to be accomplished in accordance with the strategic plan.
Desired candidate attributes include: detail oriented, coalition builder, inclusive, listener, thoughtful, servant leader, trustworthy, and sincere. The minimum requirements for this position are excellent communication skills, Bachelor’s Degree (Masters or Law Degree preferred), five years of experience in Association Management and/or Advocacy with appropriate certifications.
See this link (LINK TO ATTACHED PDF) for the full job description.
How to Apply
OTA has retained the executive search services of KJ Backpack LLC.
Please send all confidential inquiries to:
OTA Executive Director Search
KJ Backpack LLC PO Box 2235 Gaffney, SC 29341
Or email [email protected] using the subject line: OTA Executive Director
Please include a cover letter, resume, as well as three professional references within application.